Are you going on a extra long road trip and you want to make sure your pet stays as comfortable as possible? Well here's ten tips to help with that!
1: Bring lots of toys: Much like a toddler dogs need lots of toys to stay entertained, or they will stay entertained by keeping you distracted.
2: Organize your stuff a day or two before you leave: By knowing how much you have and where you can put it all you ensure your dog and you have a place to lay down, which you will need on a long drive.
3: Walk your dog before you start driving: If your dog doesn't get to go out they will likely promptly start complaining to use the bathroom, or worse start acting up in the back seat making you a distracted driver.
4: Look for dog parks along your route: Most current mapping apps allow you to search along your route, finding a dog park that is not too far out of your way, and you can stop and grab gas? It's a win-win situation for you and your dog!
5: Pace their food and drink: If your dog eats a large amount of food before you start the drive you run the chance of them getting sick, and in a big way. If you give them food throughout they will be accustomed to eating and staying in a moving car.
6: Use a back seat cover: Dogs are hairy individuals, and they are not known for being clean either, protect your car with a seat cover, and this will also give your dog a feeling of security as they will see it as there blanket and sleep better!
7: Open window driving: Dogs sweat through their tongue, and the air in your car will probably get stale after a few hours! What better way to get some fresh air for you, and a breath of freshness for your dog so they are not as hot!
8: Bring a first aid kit: You never know when your or your dog might get a splinter in there hand so better to have a extra pair of tweezers just in case!
9: Bring treats: If your dog is being the best boy/girl or maybe if they're just doing OK on the long drive, still good to give them a treat to remind them that the journey is fun!
10: Bring lots of poop bags: When you are driving around you don't know when your pet will have to use the bathroom, or the type of mess that they will leave (if the dog gets nervous they may not have the most solid poo's) and you don't want to be the dog owner who can't clean up after their pet.
If you have any tips or tricks for how you keep your dog extra happy on the drive let us know in the comments below!
Hallo, ich denke, das solltest du natürlich tun. Nur in diesem Fall kann ein Mensch erkennen, dass er alles richtig macht und sich in die richtige Richtung bewegt. Denn egal, welche Situation in Ihrem Leben entsteht. Versuchen Sie, einen Job zu finden, der Ihnen Freude bereitet. Vielleicht werden Sie sehen, dass Sie dank das finden, was Sie brauchen. Und das wird ein Sieg sein. Außerdem finde ich es sehr cool, wenn man sich je nach Geschmack verschiedene Stellenangebote genauer anschaut. Und es wird wirklich cool sein. Suchen Sie immer nach dem, was Sie motiviert und erleuchtet.