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Buchanan, MI- Soccer Fields, "Happiest place in America"

Located outside the AEP headquarters, right past the entrance to the town of Buchanan. Which is presented by a large post that states "Happiest place in America" you find yourself in a large field with two sets of Adult soccer posts, one medium sized set, and of course the tiny ones for the toddlers who play on the sidelines.

On the many occasions that Bogota was playing in that area it was always amazing how empty it always seemed to be, allowing Bogota, or even your dog plenty of space to run and play in the well cut grass, and the long grass just next to the fields.

With the soccer field always being well maintained and for the most part empty, you can even take it upon yourself to do some sprints, jog around the soccer fields, or even just walk around them and train your dog to stay on your side (which we did many times here.)

I really enjoyed coming out here, we could do some training, Bogota burned a lot of energy, and I got to exercise as well, if you find yourself going to Buchanan and want to let your dog off leash before going downtown, this is a great place to stop.

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